Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

The Historical Song

This blog has to be submitted TODAY, and i have to post several posts and i'm confused about what i'm gonna post. After i made a decision about making a blog, i had several ideas of poem or songs lyric. But none of 'em are written. So, on this last post before i submit this blog to my teacher, i want to post the first ever song that got written. This was written when i had a crush on a girl, and i wrote it to her. She read it and she liked it, she even got this lyrics saved in her note. I FLEW TO THE HIGHEST SKY. This is called "One Girl". This is written on September 19, 2014 (if i'm not mistaken).


What should i do to make you feel all my love
Maybe you still remember that boy who left you
Why can't you just be with me, who won't leave you like him
Because you are that one girl that i've been wanting
Just forget that big gap between us
Why can we just unite and forgetting our difference
Our difference can matter but just remember about how strong the power of love is
I can't even be the guy who attracts many girls
I just have that heart. that love that i can give to you
I don't have much money and don't have that good look
But no one wants to feel lonely
So i just want you to be with me
Well, i might be thinking of the thing that can impossibly happen
And i might be a dreamer of wanting you
The one girl, i've been dreaming of

THAT IS PRETTY DUMB RIGHT? I hope my friend don't come here and read this.

Music & Me

"I want to express myself blablabla...." Maybe you've read those sentences on previous post. Maybe you're wondering right now what's need to be expressed. Yes! it's about music. I know that my singing voice is not really good, i can't play any instruments, but believe or not, i've got a weird imagination about music. I'm imagining that i be a music producer and produce a girl group like TLC. It got booming in this country and we got many awards. I've ever imagined that i wrote songs for several singers and the weirder thing is that i imagined that the year of me being those things was around 90s. Yes, i like 90s music more than these-days music, especially RnB. There are things about them that can't be expressed by words. But it is clear that they are 100% better than these-days music. In 90s, woman didn't need to show off their b***s to be popular. They just need their beautiful voice and unique style to be popular and the most important is the attitude. I found that 90s singers are humbler than these-days singers. I also found that 90s songs are more interesting to listen to and the music video is more interesting too to watch.

Honestly, i want to learn to play instruments after the National Exam. And "want to learn to play instruments (piano or guitar)" is included on my 2015 resolution. I got interested after seeing reality show like American Idol, when the singers sang while playing instruments. It's so cool. I hope that i can be like them. I imagined singing while playing guitar or piano and i feel like a rock star. hehe. The weird thing is that i want to be something involved on music depends on what musical things that i like. For example when i like American Idol i want to be the contestant or (weirdly) be the judge. I also have a dream that i'm gonna be a singer-songwriter one day, that's why i want to learn English language because feelings through songs is easier to be expressed through English language. To be honest, i have written a song (without a note exactly) for a girl that i had a crush on that time.

Besides my desire to express myself through playing music or singing, i also have a hobby that the other teenagers don't have. It is collecting CDs (Compact Disc). Maybe you will be confused why i want to collect CDs when now i can download MP3s, or you will think "this is 2015, i like to buy music through iTunes more than having to go to a Record Store, buying a CD and then listen to it and ten years later, i will lose the CD". Here is why i want to collect CDs. First, i like to have the "master" file of something. There is something that i like about CD. Maybe i like to have music with booklet and the album cover or when i like something i have to have it materially, so not only the soft copy or hard copy. The next reason why i'm collecting CDs is that i love music. In my opinion when people like several music and name themself as a fan of some artist, it's a lie when they still download the songs ilegally (unless they don't have much money). So i just want to appreciate the hardwork of my favourite singers so i show my appreciation through buying CD.

Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

How's Life?

Like i have told you before, this blog is basically made for school assignment (even though i have planned to write something like this before hehe), so it seems like rushing if i write something like this right now. I want to focus on National Exam so i just plan to write things after National Exam, but the assignment is due Thursday this week, so i have to write something hehe

How is my life? As i'm growing up life is getting harder. I'm a teenager. I'm not a child, not yet an adult (i got the idea for this word from Britney Spears' song btw HAHAHA). I start to have some troubles, heartbreaks and slowly i realized that THAT'S LIFE. You can't feel happy all the time like when you were a child. Sometimes you feel the ups and the other time you feel the downs. Being a Junior High School is hard, but i know Senior High School will be harder, so when i feel the downs of being a teenager, i just see the bright side that i've been being prepared. The bright side is when i fall, i got broken, i feel those bad feelings like depressed, intimidated, broken-hearted etc i will get stronger each time i'm being broken.

In Junior High School, i found many kind of people. I think that those people have shown me the depiction of the real world (i know as i am growing older, the world around me will get meaner). There are many kind of people in my school. I feel that my school gets me to be the light around the darkness sometimes. I hate the time when almost of my friends do bad things or do things prohibited in my school. Sometimes, it's just hard to stand on our ground. But, sometimes i just can't resist. There are the kinds that sometimes force me to do this or that or be this or that, and the worst part is when they say "be like him, you'll be blablabla." I just can't stand when people say that. I mean, this is me, i have a will to have my own style. And i always think that me and every other person have our own strengths and weaknesses. That's why i'm proud of being me.

On these final days of  Junior High School, sometimes i feel the depression. Commonly, i feel depressed because of bad grades, but as bad grades had broke me for thousand times, i get used to it. It is proven that every breaks will lessen your fragility, and that will make you stronger :) Honestly i had a thousand dreams and being on foreign best college is one of them, so that's the reason why sometimes bad grades break me. But exactly i'm not all about those lessons, sometimes i feel that i wanna run away from school because school makes us learn those things that we don't even like. Junior High School is not the place to fully express myself honestly. I mean i have those things that you don't even know it exist. It's just not expressed. So, that's why i'm just so excited for Senior High School, because that can be my place to express myself. Even though it will be hard i feel so challenged. Senior High School is the reason why i'm busy studying because i want to find the best high school so it can help me to develop my own strengths.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015


Helooo, this is my very first post in my blogg. So, let me introduce myself. I am Leon, i am 14 turning 15 this May. I love music, imagining, sleeping etc. BTW, this blog is made because of my school assignment, so i didn't mean to make this right now but school assignment makes me make this blog. hihihi. This blog is named "The Unwritten" because this blog is filled with things that remain unwritten for a long time. So this blog will be basically filled with song lyrics that i made (i mean i only make the lyrics, i can't even make the melodies hihi, but i will learn if i have time), the feeling that i can only express by writing (i can easily express my feeling by writing, my voice' too tiny and people will think i'm a person who act and think like 10yo), some experiences etc. So just enjoy every episode of my blog!